Screenshots and Outtakes, March 2020 Edition

This past week I’ve been playing more than I’ve been writing, which is both good and bad. Good because I was able to resolve some of the issues in my save. I never did a hard reset everything with master controller at 8+ weeks in, and I saw a post suggesting that after googling about some of my playing issues. It helped a lot! It took the load time from almost half an hour back to about 12 minutes, drastically reduced the amount of time it takes to save, and also fixed a glitch I thought might mean it had become corrupt and in danger of becoming unplayable. (It was crashing to desktop every time I put a YA male in CAS in that save if I clicked on sleepwear, but only in that save, and regardless of how, be it through master controller’s stylist option, the edit in CAS cheat, or just with the dresser.)

Anyway, it’s working much better now, so I’ve been able to play more. I like having the played game 3-7 sim days ahead of where I’ve written so I can keep more long term planning in mind without being so far ahead that I feel like I’ll never catch up. Amazingly, Boyd and Susan are both still alive through where I’ve played, at 93 sim days each, with their death flowers pulled from their inventories. Yay!

Since I don’t have a story chapter ready yet, though, I decided to put up another screenshot and outtake post in the interim. This one doesn’t have any animated woohoo fails, so it’s work safe.

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Screenshots and Outtakes, January 2019 Edition

Here’s another batch of unused and amusing and/or interesting screenshots from the more recent chapters of Brilliant Minds. A couple of the pictures are NSFW due to my mods, but they are behind the read more tag and censored.

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Brilliant Minds: The Wainwrights of Sunset Valley – Chapter 68

Brilliant Minds: The Wainwrights of Sunset Valley

Chapter 68


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Brilliant Minds: The Wainwrights of Sunset Valley – Chapter 63

Brilliant Minds: The Wainwrights of Sunset Valley

Chapter 63


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Screenshot Post Time

It’s been a while since I’ve done a screenshot post.  These are all from my Brilliant Minds game play or staging files that I fooled around in after getting the screenshots I needed.  I thought they were too fun not to share.


That look you get when you come across something so incredibly stupid or ridiculous that it borders on offensive.  Oh, Boyd.  I feel you, man.  I’ve been there, too.

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The Children of Sunset Valley – Brilliant Minds Edition

As I’ve played the Brilliant Minds save, I’ve been making over everyone as they age up.  One of my favorite aspects of NRaas Story progression is that it makes the townies have children (which EA’s was supposed to do, but stopped doing many patches ago) so your family lines in town will continue outside of your active household.

I decided to make a post introducing the all of the born-in-game children that are in this universe, since they won’t all necessarily make it into the story itself.  I plan to update this post every so often with new additions and updated pictures and traits as the sims age.

I’ll start with the active household, the Wainwrights, then move on to their family members, and after that, go in chronological order of birth.

My goal is to keep this post roughly on the timeline of the last posted chapter, so if you’re behind on reading, there may be spoilers.  I will also link to the pictures of their theoretical young adult selves so you can see how they’ll look as adults as far as facial structure and coloring.  I’ll only post those as links since I’ll most likely style them differently when they reach that stage in game.  Pictures appearing in this post itself are how the sim actually looks in game.

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